Become A Supporting Member
The patronage and sponsorship of our members will help us to sustain our historic venue while offering a contemporary entertainment, celebration, art and an educational center for our community in the future.
Membership Levels
The REES, a multi-use cultural center can strengthen our community to: Celebrate, Coach, Commemorate, Connect, Educate, Energize, Enlighten, Entertain, Gather, Honor, Inform, Inspire, Motivate, Prepare, Train and Unite.
Wouldn’t YOU like to be a part of that? You can, with your Membership to The REES!
We invite you to enjoy membership advantages with classic movie showings, live music, and diverse entertainment. The main goal of The REES is to also host community outreach events and promote community inclusion.
2024 Levels of Membership/Giving:
Encore - $ 100 - $ 499
Artist - $ 500 - $2,499
Screenwriter - $2,500 - $4,999
Producer - $5,000 - $9,999
Director - $10,000 + above
Community Sponsorship interests begin at $350.
Make checks payable to:
The REES Theatre Inc
100 North Michigan Street
Plymouth, IN 46563
574-337-7337 (REES)
Credit card payment can be by phone if preferred. We also accept VENMO and PayPal.
Legacy gifts to The REES Theatre Endowment Fund for sustainability may be made to:
The Marshall County Community Foundation
2690 Miller Dr. Plymouth IN 46563
Thank you for your continued support and membership.
The REES is an Indiana 501(c)(3) Public Charity. Please consult your financial advisor regarding gifts of property and/or required minimum distribution which may lead to great tax savings.